Empowering athletes to reach new heights

Empowering Athletes to Reach New Heights

A Person Who Is Skydiving

We're taking training to a whole new level at Alphabeats.

With our neurofeedback technology, athletes can now train their brain as intensely as they train their body. Unlocking next-level mental performance, we're excited to lead the way in this exploration.

Our technology goes beyond brainwaves—it uncovers new possibilities, skills, and depths of focus and flow. We're challenging the limits of what we're capable of.

This year, we're introducing our neurofeedback technology to top athletes, enabling them to master their mind and performance. They're setting a new standard for what's possible, inspiring us all.

Our vision is a world where everyone can train their mind without limits, becoming the directors of their attention, flow, and focus. Peak mental performance isn't innate; it's something we train for. And this is just the beginning.

Meet Our Team of Passionate Innovators

Dedicated experts driven to redefine athletic performance

Han Dirkx
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Han Dirkx
Chief Executive Officer / Co-founder
Jur Vellema
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Jur Vellema
Chief Medical Officer / Co-founder
Jorrit de Vries
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Jorrit de Vries
Chief Commercial Officer / President US
Jen McGinnis
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Jen McGinnis
Executive Vice President of Growth
Evelijne Hart de Ruijter - Bekker
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Evelijne Hart de Ruijter - Bekker
Research Lead
Elroy Verhoeven
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Elroy Verhoeven
Product Lead
Yuri Zalvov
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Yuri Zalvov
Tech Lead
Sjaak Meulen
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Sjaak Meulen
Senior Software Engineer
Johan Kortas
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Johan Kortas
IP & Innovation
Ad Denissen
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Ad Denissen
Inventor / Researcher
Joep de Groot
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Joep de Groot
Signal Processing Engineer
Luke Ignjatovic
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Luke Ignjatovic
Product Designer
Patrique Beaupain
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Patrique Beaupain
Frontend Developer
Megan Gill
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Megan Gill
Digital Marketing Specialist


Dedicated Experts Driven to Redefine Athletic Performance

Han Dirkx
Chief Executive Officer / Co-founder
Cupiditate Nostrum
Han Dirkx
Chief Executive Officer / Co-founder
Magnam Qui Et
Han Dirkx
Chief Executive Officer / Co-founder
Non Autem Distinctio Magni
Han Dirkx
Chief Executive Officer / Co-founder
Tenetur Fugiat Soluta
Han Dirkx
Chief Executive Officer / Co-founder


Dedicated Experts Driven to Redefine Athletic Performance

The unique selling point with a clear CTA. Neque porro quisquam est,
The unique selling point with a clear CTA. Neque porro quisquam est,

Winners speak

Pioneers who power their success with alphabeats

Mental training really decides winning or losing. You can be the fittest athlete on earth, but if you don't bring your performance in the right moment, you’ll lose
Katja Franzen
Professional Speed Skater
Katja Franzen
My ability to switch between a relaxed and focused state before, during, and after competitions has improved significantly, and that’s a game changer.
Aymen Achnine
Professional Taekwondo fighter
Aymen Achnine
alphabeats has enhanced my focus during competitions. Simply put, when I’m in the show ring, I can concentrate more easily. It’s just me and my horse – I feel in control.
Joni Vollenberg
Professional Showjumper
Joni Vollenberg
We know our heartbeat, the watts we are putting in the bike. We have sports watches that show us all our metrics… But until I discovered alphabeats, nothing could show me how I’m performing mentally.
Tom Hopman
Tom Hopman